Ramadan Hifz Challenge

What is the Challenge?

It is a new challenge for you during the month of Ramadan. Basically, memorise the whole of Surat-ul-Jumu’ah (Chapter 62) in the last 12 days of Ramadan. The whole chapter consists of 12 verses; so you only have to memorise one verse a day to complete the memorisation in 12 days. Good luck!

Submission Details

Will I get a prize?

Upon completing the designated parts of the Holy Quran according to your age, your name will be taken down and will be sent to Huzoor (aba) requesting for prayers. In addition to this, you will also receive a prize from your Regional Nazim.

How do I sign up?

Please sign up with your Local Nazim or Regional Nazim.

How will I send proof of my memorisation?

Once you have completed the memorisation of Surat-ul-Jumu’ah or Surah Al-Ala you need to send a video of yourself reciting Surat-ul-Jumu’ah or Surah Al Ala to your local Nazim or Regional Nazim.

When do I have to send the video by?

There is a deadline for the submission of the videos of the recitation of Surat-ul-Jumu’ah or Surah Al-Ala and that is by the end of 13th of May 2021.