Ramadan Quran Challenge

What is the Challenge?

The challenge is quite simple. Complete the recitation of the Quran according to your age in the blessed month of Ramadan.


Click Here to Sign up


Submission Details

Will I get a prize?

Upon completing the designated parts of the Holy Quran according to your age, your name will be taken down and will be sent to Huzoor (aba) requesting for prayers. In addition to this, you will also receive a prize from your Regional Nazim.

How do I sign up?


Alternatively, you can also sign up with your Local Nazim or Regional Nazim.


please see the number of parts you need to complete depending on your age:

Amaanat (Under 7): 5 Parts
Dianat (7 to 9): 10 Parts
Sadaaqat (10 to 12): 20 Parts
Shuja’at (13 to 15): 30 Parts

How do I inform of the completion of my recitation?

After Ramadan, please inform your Local Nazim if you achieved your designated part of Holy Quran.